Proper zoning is paramount to any land development project. Dye Enterprises can evaluate your project to determine if current zoning will enhance the project or create a burden and limit potential. Some of the zoning requirements to be reviewed are permissible uses, unit density, minimum site frontage and area, building setback distances, and building height. If it is determined that an alternative zoning designation would be more beneficial for the project, Dye Enterprises has extensive experience handling re-zoning cases in the San Antonio and south Texas area.
Before any project can proceed to construction, the site may need to be platted. The platting process may take a few different forms depending on the governing jurisdiction and may involve a minor or major plat or replat, an amending plat, or a building setback line plat. Dye Enterprises has extensive platting experience and is intimately familiar with platting requirements in the San Antonio and south Texas area. Our expertise enables the developer to avoid certain aspects of the platting process which may be unnecessary or costly. The first step in the platting process is to determine if the property is in fact required to be platted per local City code.
Integral to any development is proper storm water management. Consideration must be given to local rainfall amounts and associated runoff in regard to impacting not only the development, but also the surrounding area as a result of the development. This area of engineering design is closely regulated by the local governmental authorities and it will typically include consideration for any environmental aspects of drainage associated with the development. Dye Enterprises has extensive knowledge and experience both in drainage analysis and related environmental issues while working closely with local governmental jurisdictions in the San Antonio and south Texas area.
Storm water detention is a byproduct of storm water management. If increased storm water runoff from the project is found to negatively impact properties downstream of the subject location, then a certain amount of water may be required to be detained in order not to exceed pre-development runoff rates. Detention is typically in the form of a pond or, if available site area is limited, below-ground storage may be appropriate. Dye Enterprises is highly knowledgeable and experienced in designing detention systems while meeting associated governmental requirements.
If a 100-year floodplain is located on part or all of the project site, additional drainage analysis is required. The analysis will determine the surface elevation of an anticipated flood condition and how it will impact the project, if at all. Another purpose of the analysis is to verify the accuracy of any FEMA floodplain maps for the subject site. Actual ground survey data can be used to determine the true elevation of the floodplain. The results of this analysis can be used to establish any required drainage easements, and also to provide supporting documentation if a FEMA map change is processed to remove the mapped floodplain.
Prior to construction, the governing authority must approve the design plans for the proposed development. Depending on the jurisdiction, the associated review process will involve from one to many departments. Some of these departments will focus on civil engineering design and will include items such as site layout, grading and drainage, water and sewer utilities, site fire protection, and water quality environmental issues. Dye Enterprises has extensive design and construction. We work with governmental jurisdictions in the San Antonio and south Texas area for obtaining design plan approval in the most timely and efficient manner possible.
North East Water Main Extension Project. $4.5 million dollar, 42” water main extension project. Professional Engineer in full Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 EXAMPLE PROJECTS (CON’T.) charge of: planning and determination of water main route; managing route surveying; design of 12,000 feet 42” CSC water main and 5,000 feet 24” CSC water main extension; determination and liaison for easement acquisitions; prepared project specifications; acquired plan approval; bid project; partly managed construction.
GPS Locate Existing Water Wells Professional Surveyor in charge of providing GPS surveyed horizontal and vertical location of 58 existing water wells located in Bexar, Comal, Guadalupe and Hays Counties; provided data sheets to the Authority for use in their water monitoring program.
U.G. Telecom Duct Bank, Design Build. Professional Surveyor and Engineer in charge of: providing topographic and existing improvement/utility survey; designed a complete 650 foot long underground concrete encased telecommunications duct bank with concrete manholes to serve the Virtual Combat Convoy Training Building 6012; coordinated design with Base PM, project MEP engineer, general contractor and subcontractors; provided construction staking.
$5 million dollar new corporate headquarters development, LEED Certified. Professional Engineer and Surveyor in charge of: initial boundary, topographic and improvement survey; platting the property through the City of San Antonio; full site and utility improvement design for a 33,000 s.f. main building and 12,000 s.f. secondary building; design of offsite sanitary sewer main extension and preparation of TCEQ SCS permit; design of wet pond for water quality with a water well as part of the WPAP (Edwards Recharge Zone); Obtain necessary civil related permits through the City, TCEQ and Edwards Aquifer Authority; aiding client in purchasing water rights for water well.
Bldg. 10418 Renovation, Design Build. Professional Engineer in charge of: managing topographic and existing improvement and utility survey; water and sanitary sewer main and service redesign/reroute associated with building modifications/improvements; designed a complete underfloor grading plan and sump pump for existing building for proper sub-floor drainage; coordination with general contractor
Edwards Rd. Water Plant As-built Survey and Water Main Route Survey (contract with design engineer). Professional Surveyor in charge of providing an as-built survey of the Edwards Road Water Plant and approximately three miles of county road right-of-ways to be utilized for the design and construction of a water main extension project from the plant.
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